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If you a loved one relative or employee in Dundee are struggling with addiction call and speak to an addictions clinician with three decades of clinical experience on all aspects of addiction detox treatment and rehab


For the financial year 2022-2023, there were 1,051 deaths registered in Scotland with drug misuse being a causative factor or the only factor. This was a decrease of 21% from 2021-2022 (279) . These were encouraging results meaning that this was the largest decrease since records began. 

While these figures are encouraging, the sad fact remains that, since the year 2000, there were still 3.7 times more people dying as a result of drugs in Scotland than before the millennium.  For Tayside, males are twice as likely to have a drug problem than women and the average age of those seeking help has risen from 32 to 45.


As is common with other parts of the UK, those in deprived areas of Scotland are 16 times more likely to experience drug dependency than those in more affluent areas.   For 2022, opioids were responsible for 82% of all drug deaths with 89% of all drug deaths being attributed to accidental use.

  The most common types of drug implicated in drug misuse deaths in 2022 were opiates/opioids which were implicated in 82% of all deaths. 

Statutory drug and alcohol services in Dundee are provided, through the NHS 

Dundee Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service (DDARS)
Constitution House
55 Constitution Road

Tel:  01382 632542



Private treatment is available in Scotland, though the centers are few and far between. Despite what glossy websites might try and tell you, there are only a very small number of centers and the farther north you get, the more difficult it becomes to access treatment. Treatment in Scotland can be more expensive than England and it can often be more cost effective , even when transport costs are considered. Not all the centers in Scotland will are geared up for opioid patients. 

Paul has many years experience of referring clients into centers in Scotland. He can provide free, confidential and impartial advice and advise on availability, location and cost. 

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